PW101: Recruiting Poll Workers for Your Jurisdiction
Poll Workers 101 focuses on helping you better understand what motivates poll workers, and it provides an overview of various recruitment strategies that your office can use.
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These trainings are general resources designed to help any election jurisdiction. Election officials should seek legal counsel if they are not sure whether use of these tools is permitted and under what conditions in their jurisdiction.
Poll Workers 101 focuses on helping you better understand what motivates poll workers, and it provides an overview of various recruitment strategies that your office can use.
Learn morePoll Workers 102 highlights strategies, resources, and content areas for comprehensive, effective, and engaging poll worker trainings.
Learn morePoll Workers 103 introduces the many elements of supporting your poll workers in the field and effectively managing and communicating with them throughout the months around the election.
Learn morePoll Workers 104 helps you design assessments for poll workers and find ways to bring them back to work in your next election.
Learn moreCybersecurity 101 will set you up for success by building a foundation of important cybersecurity terminology and stronger login practices.
Learn moreCybersecurity 201 will introduce the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) framework to help you safeguard your election systems and data.
Learn moreCybersecurity 301 focuses on communicating about your office's cybersecurity efforts so you can increase public trust in elections.
Learn moreDeveloping a cybersecurity profile will introduce you to the Cybersecurity Framework developed by the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) and prepare you to create a Profile for your election department. A Profile can help you ensure your organization’s cybersecurity activities align with your needs.
Learn moreGeo-Enabling Elections 101 provides an overview of GIS and explores the first of NSGIC’s five best practices for geo-enabing elections by helping you assemble a team of experts that will set you up for success.
Learn moreGeo-Enabling Elections 102 explores the second of NSGIC’s five best practices for geo-enabling elections by walking you through the basics of GIS layers and the importance of your voting unit GIS layer.
Learn moreGeo-Enabling Elections 103 explores the third of NSGIC’s five best practices for geo-enabling elections by introducing the basics of the geocoding process and how to develop a geocoding strategy to improve your election data.
Learn moreGeo-Enabling Elections 104 explores the fourth of NSGIC’s five best practices for geo-enabling elections by introducing the value of relevant layers and their role in improving data accuracy.
Learn moreGeo-Enabling Elections 105 focuses on the fifth of NSGIC’s five best practices for geo-enabling elections by walking you through how election officials and GIS professionals ensure geo-enabled elections data is accurate and helpful.
Learn moreCombating Election Misinformation will help you strengthen your role as a reliable source of information and create a defensive strategy to combat misinformation.
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